Wings-B-Cool™ High Performance Radiator Fans (W/O 2-Pin Connectors)


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These quality high performance fans utilize the latest state-of-the-art electric motors, each delivering 1248 cubic feet per minute (CFM) of air flow per the manufacturers data sheet while demanding only 7.0 amps maximum power each at full motor load. For comparison, the stock fans taken out of our personal car were measured at a total CFM of 1100 for BOTH fans.

In addition, the new fan blades are made from modern injection molded plastic and each unit weighs 41.8 ounces, including all bolts, nuts, and washers. The original fans (motor and blade only) weigh 48.6 ounces each. The weight reduction is just under 1 pound. The 10 blades on these fans produce a higher pitch whooshing sound but are quieter overall than the original 4-bladed fans.

NOTE:  This installation requires the removal of the front sway bar for access.   This would be an excellent time to install our exclusive polyurethane Front Sway Bar Combo. Kit K1006DP-x.  And in case air is introduced into the cooling system during the fan install, it might be a good idea to have a Cooling System Self-Bleeder Kit K1021DP-x on hand.

The 2 stand-alone fan assemblies come pre-wired, ready to plug directly into the 2-way DeLorean wiring connectors from the old fans without any adapters or wiring changes and then be bolted into your existing DeLorean fan shroud.   Also included are detailed installation instructions.   Our exclusive Wings-B-Cool™ fans feature a 1 year limited warranty.


Additional information

Weight 84.8 oz

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